Mineral Processing & Recycling

Mineral processing

Treatment and separation of mineral materials by means of physical, physicochemical and combined approaches.

The performance of fatty acids as collectors during flotation of Cu-Co oxide ores from the Copper-Belt region in DRC

Effect of process water recycling on mineral flotation at selected concentrators located in the Katanga province of the DRC

Grinding optimisation trough real-time management tools (SENSOMAG©, Magotteaux)

Improved processing of iron bearing resources used in steelmaking

Reagent scheme optimization through applied mineralogy at Kansanshi flotation plant, Zambia

Sponsors and industrial partners : Walloon region, Belgian technical co-operation (CTB), University of Liege, Magotteaux, Arcelor-Mittal, First Quantum Minerals Plc.

Hydrometallurgy and bio-hydrometallurgy

Recovery of non-ferrous and precious metals from primary and secondary resources using chemically or biologically assisted dissolution of metals and their subsequent recovery from solutions.

Sponsors and industrial partners : Belgian technical cooperation (CTB), Walloon Region, Comet-Traitement S.A.

Solid waste processing and recycling

Research accent is placed on flowsheet design for complex valorization and recovery of value-added materials focusing on two principal sources: (1) metal-bearing fractions derived from shredding of ELV (End-of-Life Vehicles) and household appliances and (2) WEEE.

Sponsors and industrial partners : Walloon Region, Comet-Traitement S.A.

Environmental monitoring and assessment of mining and metallurgical activities

  • Evaluation of risks for AMD generation during disposal of sulphide mineral wastes.
  • Desulphurization and re-reprocessing of flotation mill tails for metals by-recovery.

Sponsors : Belgian technical cooperation (CTB)